Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Kirk Update - 12.10.08

Hello! Yes, it's been QUITE a while. Hmm, these posts are getting further and further apart. I haven't spent as much time with him as I would like, but he and I speak on AIM or on the phone every few days. I've been out of town and busy with holiday stuff.

And sick! Which definitely means no seeing Kirk. So BE NOT SICK if you plan to visit! For instance, Kirk recently informed me that he had a seizure last week. He got wind of some sickness which just about instantly gave him a fever. His new doctor says this likely kicked off the seizure. Kirk bit his tongue, but otherwise was/is fine.

He has a new doctor now. He's Indian (dots not feathers) so it amuses Deborah when I do an impression. My childhood was riddled with Indian influences. Anyway, he's great. He has a very positive attitude about Kirk's condition. He also runs any test Deborah wants done in addition to tests he's already doing which pleases her. These are blood tests mostly. He also gave them a direct number to a neurologist colleague of his in case of an emergency. Which is very very helpful.

Kirk answered the door today like he does most days. He's looking pretty swollen, but it fluctuates so much it could be down tomorrow. I called him 'chubbly bubbly' and pinched his swollen cheeks which he appreciated. Then he got to the kitchen and back to the couch like it was nothin. He's not going to set any landspeed records any time soon, but he moves.

We watched The Daily Show and Colbert Report which was new. Even with all that's been going on economically and politically, it's the first time I've seen him the least bit interested in current events. Even comedy news show current events. Also he's laughing A LOT more lately. Like he's pretty much back up to Regular Kirk levels of laughing, but maybe just more quiet inbetween? Yes, that's it.

Then we watched as much as we could stand of "Cha$e". Some reality show that's supposed to be like a videogame. In half an hour no one shot an exploding barrel, got healed by eating some food (possibly an entire turkey). or even had to push a crate. It was a bunch of people running around a defined area of city blocks hoping not to get seen (and tagged) by Matrix-looking agents that chase you. Actually, now that I think about it...that's not entirely unlike Pacman. Touche, Cha$e.

Then most of Mumford and a documentary about jumprope competitions. And ya know? I'm ready to say it: jumprope is really almost a legitimate sport. WAY better than trampoline though and isn't that already an Olympic event? Anyway, those kids can jump the hell out of that rope. There's one event where you have to jump as many times as you can in 3 minutes. Kirk and I laughed quite a bit at this 12 year old who was pushing her body so hard in those 3 minutes that she weezed like hell after. Yep...we laughed at children.

By then all the Lawrences were home and we discussed all things good and bad with the world. Pretty much sorted out all the problems with insurance companies, the auto bailouts and confirmed for ourselves that that absolutely IS NOT Sarah Palin's baby.

To everyone sending stuff to Kirk: you're awesome. Troll dvds, Hellboy II SIGNED BY GUILLERMO DEL TORO. You guys are rad.

Everyone should keep an eye out for Kirk on AIM (Bottlerokit). He's on at least every other day it seems. He and I catch up on things (and youtube videos) there. In the meantime I'll work on writing more emails and documenting this crazy time for us.


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