Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kirk Update - 2.8.09, Kirk's Awake

People, I don't know much. Other than Kirk is AWAKE.

Tiffany just called me. She said that after we left the hospital, Raphael went back over to the hospital to be with Kirk and read scripture. And sometime around 3am, Kirk woke up and started watching anime cartoons with him. Raphael calls Tiffany and she tells Kirk she loves him, etc. Through swollen tongues and scratchy throats he manages an "I love you too".

Why I'm just hearing about this NOW is something I can beat someone up about once I'm there.

So, Kirk is defying medical science right now. Diana just pointed out that "of course Kirk would go zombie on us". I'm getting my stuff together and will report back to Kristina or Diana who can email you guys while I'm out.


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