This weekend has had its ups and downs.
Saturday Adam, Kristin and I met at Kirk's. We watched a fair bit of college football. Noles, Dawgs win. Tech, Vandy lose. Kirk was up and alert for a good portion of the day. Dan and Leslee got in a little late (6ish) and he was still up and about joking and laughing with everyone.
So much up and about in fact that he swelled up his left foot pretty good. It was hurting him in the night so of course everyone was up worrying about it until they could take him to the hospital today.
They were gone when Dan, Leslee and I arrived today. We waited until about 6 or so when they returned instead of being in the way at the hospital. The main concern was that Kirk might have a blood clot in his leg which would be very bad. Primarily because the medicine used to combat blood clots can cause bleeding in the brain. Very bad.
However, they performed an ultrasound on his leg. No clots (or babies). The best guess was that the steroids he's on, for brain inflammation prevention, are causing water retention in his feet as well as possibly weakening the muscle tissue in his legs. It's also likely the cause of Kirk's insatiable appetite. However Tylenol should be able to knock out any pain he's feeling.
By the time everyone got home and a little settled we were all pretty beat. Kirk sat on the couch and watched the end of the Giants/Steelers game with us. Then he got up and had the dinner Deborah amazingly managed the strength to cook. You think I'm good, this woman is a MACHINE. After the game and dinner the three of us left.
So, mixed news today. Kirk's in enough pain that he let someone take him to the hospital, but without much degradation of his physical condition. Or any life-threatening clots. Let's hope any future doctor visits go this well. Maybe we'll get an MRI done soon and check the status of the tumor? I don't know what the plan is for obtaining new scans. I'll keep everyone updated on that when I can find out. Maybe we'll get a better idea of "how long?". To that question the doctors that saw him today said "4 years?!? Really?!?" So, not 100% encouraging, but hey, they're only doctors. They're wrong every day.
For anyone new to The List, I bid you welcome. Be sure to check out previous postings on Feel free to send either me or Joe any pictures you have of Kirk that you'd like added to the Flickr page. = )
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"Tagged" spam?
Has anyone else gotten emails saying "Kirk sent you a friend request on Tagged :)"? Yeah, I'm pretty sure these are spam. They're coming from his Gmail account, which may have been hacked. You probably shouldn't open them or click any of the links. Leave a comment if you have any further insight.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Kirk Update - Week of Oct. 20th.
VERY SORRY that I've been so out of touch this week. We've had non-stop guests at the house since last Wednesday. Just got busy and I sorta fell off the grid.
We got a slow start on Saturday. We got everybody up, stuffed Beavis, Illy, Devon and Nick into my car and headed over to Kirk's. We had a bit of a scare when we arrived.
Deborah answered the door and told us that Kirk wasn't up yet. She was so concerned about the swelling in his left foot that she was thinking of taking him to the hospital. Though, while she jumped in the shower, I snuck back into Kirk's room and talked to him about it. Asked him how the foot was and if we were gonna go to a hospital today. He replied "Uhh..NO" and suggested that his mom was overreacting. That's from Kirk "everything's okay" Lawrence. His foot was probably okay, but she's right to worry. A blood clot would be no good. (The swelling has since gone down!)
So we stayed. Watched Pootie Tang (hilarious, of course) and college football. Kinda a low and lazy day on the whole.
Sunday we came with even MORE people. Including Paul. Very good to have him back from the desert. We watched Jurassic Park. Or rather, constantly made fun of Jurassic Park on account of we LOVE Jurassic Park. If you weren't already aware, Muldoon doesn't know he's in a movie. Also, Hammond and Malcolm used to date, broke up, but still mess around. It's TRUE! Watch it and see.
Monday and Tuesday we skipped. I took Paul to Macon to see his people and get some Nu-Way hotdogs. Both were excellent.
Wednesday we watched The Wizard. Aka "Fred Savage is not The Wizard". A timeless classic.
And today we saw IronMan and Kingpin.
It's weird to write these updates for this week. I could go on and on about the movies we watch or the jokes we make. But there's just so little to say about Kirk and his condition. He's still 'good'. I haven't noticed any changes in maybe the last 10 days except a strange patch of lost hair.
Thus, I think I'm going to back off a little on the updates. I know everyone likes to know what's going on and how we love/hate movies, but for now I'll just be sure to keep you updated on changes. I have a hypothesis about barometric pressure affecting Kirk's mood that I'm tinkering with. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm really glad I have nothing to report and that things can be like this. That he can be awake and alert and watch movies with friends. For now. Or however long he has left. I hate to say it, but when things start to deteriorate I don't want the cancer to drag Kirk through it. Quick like a bandaid. I don't know if you all feel the same.
Again, very sorry for being so late on this. I know for those of you that can't make it up here to hang out, this is the only way you have to know what's going on. I'll still be writing, of course, but possibly not daily. = )
We got a slow start on Saturday. We got everybody up, stuffed Beavis, Illy, Devon and Nick into my car and headed over to Kirk's. We had a bit of a scare when we arrived.
Deborah answered the door and told us that Kirk wasn't up yet. She was so concerned about the swelling in his left foot that she was thinking of taking him to the hospital. Though, while she jumped in the shower, I snuck back into Kirk's room and talked to him about it. Asked him how the foot was and if we were gonna go to a hospital today. He replied "Uhh..NO" and suggested that his mom was overreacting. That's from Kirk "everything's okay" Lawrence. His foot was probably okay, but she's right to worry. A blood clot would be no good. (The swelling has since gone down!)
So we stayed. Watched Pootie Tang (hilarious, of course) and college football. Kinda a low and lazy day on the whole.
Sunday we came with even MORE people. Including Paul. Very good to have him back from the desert. We watched Jurassic Park. Or rather, constantly made fun of Jurassic Park on account of we LOVE Jurassic Park. If you weren't already aware, Muldoon doesn't know he's in a movie. Also, Hammond and Malcolm used to date, broke up, but still mess around. It's TRUE! Watch it and see.
Monday and Tuesday we skipped. I took Paul to Macon to see his people and get some Nu-Way hotdogs. Both were excellent.
Wednesday we watched The Wizard. Aka "Fred Savage is not The Wizard". A timeless classic.
And today we saw IronMan and Kingpin.
It's weird to write these updates for this week. I could go on and on about the movies we watch or the jokes we make. But there's just so little to say about Kirk and his condition. He's still 'good'. I haven't noticed any changes in maybe the last 10 days except a strange patch of lost hair.
Thus, I think I'm going to back off a little on the updates. I know everyone likes to know what's going on and how we love/hate movies, but for now I'll just be sure to keep you updated on changes. I have a hypothesis about barometric pressure affecting Kirk's mood that I'm tinkering with. I'll let you know how that goes.
I'm really glad I have nothing to report and that things can be like this. That he can be awake and alert and watch movies with friends. For now. Or however long he has left. I hate to say it, but when things start to deteriorate I don't want the cancer to drag Kirk through it. Quick like a bandaid. I don't know if you all feel the same.
Again, very sorry for being so late on this. I know for those of you that can't make it up here to hang out, this is the only way you have to know what's going on. I'll still be writing, of course, but possibly not daily. = )
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.17.08
Woo! Friday...let's see...
Jenny, Devon and I got over there a little late today. We didn't bring lunch on account of we've been in trouble for over-feeding Kirk the past couple of days. Tiffany, the day warden, greeted us. Kirk was standing around in the kitchen like he's not supposed to. We got him down to the couch. Not like wrestled him, but asking Kirk to do something he doesn't want to do isn't going to make it happen. Luckily, he gladly complied.
Then we found out that Kirk hadn't eaten lunch yet. I hope he wasn't waiting for us to arrive with it. Suffice to say I'm still bringing food from now on.
He ate leftover Jersey Mike's and his mother's chickpeas and put on MTV. We watched 8 bands in a row that sounded exactly the same. Seriously. "Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?"
We laughed at the emo, loser bands and reminisced about when music used to be good. Yep, we're that old now. Kirk pulled names of bands and songs we had forgotten out of thin air like he always does. Long term memory: check. Kirk dances a little 'pretty dance' on the couch when the beat is good. Or sings/whistles the hook. He's just generally all over music when it's around.
Then we flipped stations quite a bit and watched bits and pieces of movies on HBO. Until finally stopping on, of all things, Forrest Gump. Your Academy Award winner for Best Picture in 1994. Take that Pulp Fiction. AND Shawshank. I will say that it does have comedic timing down and you can't touch Tom Hanks' acting. But seriously...that can't save a string of progressively more unbelievable events no matter how many heart strings it tugs, right?
We discussed how many other movies in '94 were better that weren't even nominated. True Lies, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura...Mighty Ducks 2. Yeah, I said it.
Nikki arrived again with Messiah. She, Tiffany and Roffelle got to work on another jigsaw puzzle at the kitchen table. Kirk got up as Forrest Gump was ending to sit at the table as well. The Lawrence children comedy compounds when they're together. Singing,'s awesome.
Oh, there was one small change with Kirk physically today. He's missing a patch of hair the size of maybe a thumbprint on the side of his head. The weird thing is that I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if it wasn't there when we got there. No idea on what it is. Doesn't hurt so I'm fine with it. Just weird.
Anyway, that's about when we took off.
Just a reminder for anyone new to The List. You can find all previous updates and a link to the flickr page Joe set up at If you have any pictures of Kirk you can contribute, please send them to me or to Joe and we'll get them up there.
We just got Beavis and Illy in tonight. And I pick up Nick in the morning. Woo hoo! Gonna be a fun time. If anyone is planning on coming up, again, just let me know and I can take care of a reservation at El Casa de Jarvis with complimentary Lawrence House shuttle service.
Peace yall.
Jenny, Devon and I got over there a little late today. We didn't bring lunch on account of we've been in trouble for over-feeding Kirk the past couple of days. Tiffany, the day warden, greeted us. Kirk was standing around in the kitchen like he's not supposed to. We got him down to the couch. Not like wrestled him, but asking Kirk to do something he doesn't want to do isn't going to make it happen. Luckily, he gladly complied.
Then we found out that Kirk hadn't eaten lunch yet. I hope he wasn't waiting for us to arrive with it. Suffice to say I'm still bringing food from now on.
He ate leftover Jersey Mike's and his mother's chickpeas and put on MTV. We watched 8 bands in a row that sounded exactly the same. Seriously. "Where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?"
We laughed at the emo, loser bands and reminisced about when music used to be good. Yep, we're that old now. Kirk pulled names of bands and songs we had forgotten out of thin air like he always does. Long term memory: check. Kirk dances a little 'pretty dance' on the couch when the beat is good. Or sings/whistles the hook. He's just generally all over music when it's around.
Then we flipped stations quite a bit and watched bits and pieces of movies on HBO. Until finally stopping on, of all things, Forrest Gump. Your Academy Award winner for Best Picture in 1994. Take that Pulp Fiction. AND Shawshank. I will say that it does have comedic timing down and you can't touch Tom Hanks' acting. But seriously...that can't save a string of progressively more unbelievable events no matter how many heart strings it tugs, right?
We discussed how many other movies in '94 were better that weren't even nominated. True Lies, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura...Mighty Ducks 2. Yeah, I said it.
Nikki arrived again with Messiah. She, Tiffany and Roffelle got to work on another jigsaw puzzle at the kitchen table. Kirk got up as Forrest Gump was ending to sit at the table as well. The Lawrence children comedy compounds when they're together. Singing,'s awesome.
Oh, there was one small change with Kirk physically today. He's missing a patch of hair the size of maybe a thumbprint on the side of his head. The weird thing is that I'm pretty sure I would have noticed if it wasn't there when we got there. No idea on what it is. Doesn't hurt so I'm fine with it. Just weird.
Anyway, that's about when we took off.
Just a reminder for anyone new to The List. You can find all previous updates and a link to the flickr page Joe set up at If you have any pictures of Kirk you can contribute, please send them to me or to Joe and we'll get them up there.
We just got Beavis and Illy in tonight. And I pick up Nick in the morning. Woo hoo! Gonna be a fun time. If anyone is planning on coming up, again, just let me know and I can take care of a reservation at El Casa de Jarvis with complimentary Lawrence House shuttle service.
Peace yall.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.16.08
Greeting and welcome to the Kirk Update: Inconceivable! Edition.
Today Jenny and I brought over Jersey Mikes. Again. But it was such a hit last time, I figured we should. Though maybe I'll back off the food a little. OR bring it earlier. I got in trouble for giving Kirk second lunch yesterday. Backyard Burger at that. Seems it upset his stomach. Sorry! I love with food and the kid won't stop eating!
Lynn Talley's 9th grade english classes sent Kirk dozens and dozens of cards today. I knew they were coming and was pretty psyched to get to read them. I went through each one with Kirk at the kitchen table. They are pretty awesome. Lot's of zombies, robots, aliens drawn by 14 year olds. We laughed with the kids mostly. Though at times the stuff they came up with was borderline insane. Good times, though. THANKS SO MUCH LYNN!
Then we finished the episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch that was on when we arrived. Can I just say...Soleil Moon Frye? Wow.
Let's see, then we watched The Princess Bride. "Anybody want a peanut?" Kirk is still keeping up with quotes. Quite a bit now. More so than he was a week ago certainly. Like he'll set it up and do the punchline and tack on a sound effect for a facial expression. Whereas he might have done all three things individually last week, he'll do them all at once now. Tiny, tiny benchmarks, I know. But it's just something I notice.
Then we lost him the bathroom again for an hour. Like literally a full on hour. Tim had to keep knocking every 20 min or so to see if he was okay. Kirk is definitely handling the embarrassment of crazy bowel function very well. Better than I hope I ever have to.
Deborah got home. I got in trouble for...I dunno...probably something. We spoke a little about whether her job is going well. If you guessed "Hell to the NO", give yourself 5 points. Once she starts making dinner it's about time to leave. Kirk is pretty wiped out by that point anyway.
We got Devon back tonight! I spoke with Beavis. He and Illy will arrive VERY late tomorrow night. Paul But he's at a wedding so we might not see him until Sunday. Butter, Brett, Courtney, Nick. All coming. Gonna be awesome.
Till tomorrow, kids.
Today Jenny and I brought over Jersey Mikes. Again. But it was such a hit last time, I figured we should. Though maybe I'll back off the food a little. OR bring it earlier. I got in trouble for giving Kirk second lunch yesterday. Backyard Burger at that. Seems it upset his stomach. Sorry! I love with food and the kid won't stop eating!
Lynn Talley's 9th grade english classes sent Kirk dozens and dozens of cards today. I knew they were coming and was pretty psyched to get to read them. I went through each one with Kirk at the kitchen table. They are pretty awesome. Lot's of zombies, robots, aliens drawn by 14 year olds. We laughed with the kids mostly. Though at times the stuff they came up with was borderline insane. Good times, though. THANKS SO MUCH LYNN!
Then we finished the episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch that was on when we arrived. Can I just say...Soleil Moon Frye? Wow.
Let's see, then we watched The Princess Bride. "Anybody want a peanut?" Kirk is still keeping up with quotes. Quite a bit now. More so than he was a week ago certainly. Like he'll set it up and do the punchline and tack on a sound effect for a facial expression. Whereas he might have done all three things individually last week, he'll do them all at once now. Tiny, tiny benchmarks, I know. But it's just something I notice.
Then we lost him the bathroom again for an hour. Like literally a full on hour. Tim had to keep knocking every 20 min or so to see if he was okay. Kirk is definitely handling the embarrassment of crazy bowel function very well. Better than I hope I ever have to.
Deborah got home. I got in trouble for...I dunno...probably something. We spoke a little about whether her job is going well. If you guessed "Hell to the NO", give yourself 5 points. Once she starts making dinner it's about time to leave. Kirk is pretty wiped out by that point anyway.
We got Devon back tonight! I spoke with Beavis. He and Illy will arrive VERY late tomorrow night. Paul But he's at a wedding so we might not see him until Sunday. Butter, Brett, Courtney, Nick. All coming. Gonna be awesome.
Till tomorrow, kids.
Kirk Update - 10.15.07
Sorry this update is late. Kristina, Jenny and I were out watching Obama seal the deal on his pending inauguration. Booyah.
It was just Diana and me yesterday. Kirk answered the door himself! We greeted him with gifts of Backyard Burger lunch for which he was very appreciative. Kirk was getting himself ready to eat said gifts when Tim came in to find him.
Tim: Alright, time for a shower.
Kirk: But I gotta eat.
Tim: You just ATE lunch.
Kirk: But...I gotta eat.
Tim: Shower!
It was pretty funny.
When he got back it was time for second lunch and BTTF2. Which just takes BTTF to a new level. Marty gets to see his father punch out Biff (whereas before he was stuck in a trunk and arrived on the scene just after the punch). Future old Biffs are unmaking themselves. Alternate, evil 1985? It's a party.
Again Kirk was all over the score. All over quotes. Which I'm pretty convinced takes less cognitive ability than regular conversation. So we might be artificially boosting Kirk's personality with these movies? Call it denial maybe, but hearing him laugh and quote movies is The Best. Expect a lot of it when you visit.
Shortly after the movie we had to get goin to meet Jenny at the house. We're gonna be booked up this weekend, which will be awesome. Jenny, Paul, Devon, Nick, Courtney, Beavis, Illy, Butter, I forgetting anyone? Do let me know if I am. Anyway, plenty of beds/couches/air mattresses. If you're driving up, toss an extra blanket/pillow in the car. We've totally got A LOT, but I haven't counted them and don't want to run out.
Can't wait to see you guys!
It was just Diana and me yesterday. Kirk answered the door himself! We greeted him with gifts of Backyard Burger lunch for which he was very appreciative. Kirk was getting himself ready to eat said gifts when Tim came in to find him.
Tim: Alright, time for a shower.
Kirk: But I gotta eat.
Tim: You just ATE lunch.
Kirk: But...I gotta eat.
Tim: Shower!
It was pretty funny.
When he got back it was time for second lunch and BTTF2. Which just takes BTTF to a new level. Marty gets to see his father punch out Biff (whereas before he was stuck in a trunk and arrived on the scene just after the punch). Future old Biffs are unmaking themselves. Alternate, evil 1985? It's a party.
Again Kirk was all over the score. All over quotes. Which I'm pretty convinced takes less cognitive ability than regular conversation. So we might be artificially boosting Kirk's personality with these movies? Call it denial maybe, but hearing him laugh and quote movies is The Best. Expect a lot of it when you visit.
Shortly after the movie we had to get goin to meet Jenny at the house. We're gonna be booked up this weekend, which will be awesome. Jenny, Paul, Devon, Nick, Courtney, Beavis, Illy, Butter, I forgetting anyone? Do let me know if I am. Anyway, plenty of beds/couches/air mattresses. If you're driving up, toss an extra blanket/pillow in the car. We've totally got A LOT, but I haven't counted them and don't want to run out.
Can't wait to see you guys!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.14.08
Good evening!
Unfortunately, Njicki could only spend about 16 hours here with us before needing to get to Tallahassee. That's okay, because she'll be back up on Sunday/Monday on her way to Pennsylvania. So I saw her off, had some lunch and headed to Kirk's.
He was standing in the kitchen when I came in. Something I'm now told that he's not supposed to do. So whereas we were taking him for walks and putting him on skateboards, now we're keeping him off his feet as much as possible. *shrug*
Tiffany and her bf Roffelle (I hope I'm spelling that right) were also at the house all afternoon. They are hilarious and adorable together. I nearly barfed when I saw them dancing in the kitchen. (Now I know why Jenny nearly barfs when she sees Kristina and me dance, heh.)
I don't know how to describe it, but Kirk was even more "with it" today, but without speaking. He's become very much the quiet master. His sentences are very efficient. And he is saying a lot more with his eyes...sort of with his alertness...but without words. A lot of eyebrow work maybe? But then he'll go and say a lot all at once. No idea.
We watched Teen Wolf. MJF was bustin his ass in 1985. BTTF, Teen Wolf and Family Ties? I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep. Of course we know every line in the movie. Kirk and I spent most of the time discussing small details like how the guy in the 'basketball dunking' wolf costume looks nothing like MJF in his...and also the person zipping up their fly at the beginning of the credits (yep, it's there).
We laughed quite a bit. Sang "Way to Go", "Win in the End", "Shooting for the Moon" and plenty of the score. Kirk's right on top of music and tapping his feet on the beat. I've been monitoring it.
And of course the mantra of Coach Bobby Finstock:
1. Never get less than 12 hours sleep.
2. Never play cards with a guy that has the same first name as a city.
3. Never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body.
"Stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese."
Then Men In Tights was on TV so we watched the last hour or so of that. Laughed more at the bold-faced, retarded comedy. "Feygeles?"
Absolutely nothing getting worse. Some things getting better. Though I'll admit that every day I stand at the front door, waiting to be let in, and get really nervous. Like something would be different or wrong with him. far so good.
Tomorrow is Diana and me. We've planned a screening of BTTF2. Just can't get enough of that MJF!
Unfortunately, Njicki could only spend about 16 hours here with us before needing to get to Tallahassee. That's okay, because she'll be back up on Sunday/Monday on her way to Pennsylvania. So I saw her off, had some lunch and headed to Kirk's.
He was standing in the kitchen when I came in. Something I'm now told that he's not supposed to do. So whereas we were taking him for walks and putting him on skateboards, now we're keeping him off his feet as much as possible. *shrug*
Tiffany and her bf Roffelle (I hope I'm spelling that right) were also at the house all afternoon. They are hilarious and adorable together. I nearly barfed when I saw them dancing in the kitchen. (Now I know why Jenny nearly barfs when she sees Kristina and me dance, heh.)
I don't know how to describe it, but Kirk was even more "with it" today, but without speaking. He's become very much the quiet master. His sentences are very efficient. And he is saying a lot more with his eyes...sort of with his alertness...but without words. A lot of eyebrow work maybe? But then he'll go and say a lot all at once. No idea.
We watched Teen Wolf. MJF was bustin his ass in 1985. BTTF, Teen Wolf and Family Ties? I'm pretty sure he didn't sleep. Of course we know every line in the movie. Kirk and I spent most of the time discussing small details like how the guy in the 'basketball dunking' wolf costume looks nothing like MJF in his...and also the person zipping up their fly at the beginning of the credits (yep, it's there).
We laughed quite a bit. Sang "Way to Go", "Win in the End", "Shooting for the Moon" and plenty of the score. Kirk's right on top of music and tapping his feet on the beat. I've been monitoring it.
And of course the mantra of Coach Bobby Finstock:
1. Never get less than 12 hours sleep.
2. Never play cards with a guy that has the same first name as a city.
3. Never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body.
"Stick to that, and everything else is cream cheese."
Then Men In Tights was on TV so we watched the last hour or so of that. Laughed more at the bold-faced, retarded comedy. "Feygeles?"
Absolutely nothing getting worse. Some things getting better. Though I'll admit that every day I stand at the front door, waiting to be let in, and get really nervous. Like something would be different or wrong with him. far so good.
Tomorrow is Diana and me. We've planned a screening of BTTF2. Just can't get enough of that MJF!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.12.08
Hello! Today, let's see...
Today it was Kristina, Devon, Tim, Dominic (friend from high school) and me at the house. Pretty low and lazy compared to the past couple of days. Which is probably a good thing.
We brought pizzas for lunch and kicked off a Val Kilmer Double Feature with Real Genius. Since TWO OF YOU have brought it up let me say this now: Yes, certainly The Saint is a fine movie (give or take how you feel personally about Elizabeth Shue) and we would have probably included it over Willow. I also like to put Ghost and The Darkness and Island of Dr. Moreau together.
I was downstairs for most of Real Genius while keeping an eye on the Falcons upstairs with Tim. Did you see the end of that game? MATT. RYAN.
Then it was time for Willow. Things were good. Kirk grabbed a stack of new dvds Tim brought up and picked at the wrapper until he could get it open. Once he did, he took the little black security tag off from inside and started chewing on it. The boy's gonna choke to death before anything else happens. Sadly I can hardly blame him since I've done the same myself. I have absolutely no idea why.
I also tried to get Kirk up and on his feet between movies. On account of I thought we were supposed to do that. Kirk was reluctant and instead let me sit him up on the edge of the couch so he could better reach the tray of chips/salsa his mother put out for us (which he promptly destroyed). Come to find out Tim thinks Kirk's foot was swollen because he had been walking around on it and Deborah thinks he needs to get put on it to make the swelling go down. They can figure out that hot mess from now on.
Believe it or not, that was about 5+ hours of visiting. Kirk's still doing good, same as he has been recently. But again, no news is good news concerning his condition at this point. I'll take 'slow but pretty with it' over what his doctors are anticipating.
I got in contact with Courtney. A friend of Kirk's from highschool. She's coming on Friday. We're gonna have Paul coming in sometime this coming weekend. Jenny is coming Wednesday now instead of tomorrow on account of work. Njicki will be through town tomorrow and then back through again this weekend. Nick is coming this weekend. Gonna be some more awesome company. Make your reservations at El Casa de Jarvis soon. = )
This is the first night in over a week that I haven't had someone sleeping at the house. Thanks to everyone who's come to visit. It's been fun being back in contact with you after so many years. Some day we'll have to have some kind of ...I dunno... FSU Class of Awesome Fun Kids Reunion Super Party Weekend. When there's no bad news, everything's awesome and I've got too much beer in my fridge. Love you kids.
Today it was Kristina, Devon, Tim, Dominic (friend from high school) and me at the house. Pretty low and lazy compared to the past couple of days. Which is probably a good thing.
We brought pizzas for lunch and kicked off a Val Kilmer Double Feature with Real Genius. Since TWO OF YOU have brought it up let me say this now: Yes, certainly The Saint is a fine movie (give or take how you feel personally about Elizabeth Shue) and we would have probably included it over Willow. I also like to put Ghost and The Darkness and Island of Dr. Moreau together.
I was downstairs for most of Real Genius while keeping an eye on the Falcons upstairs with Tim. Did you see the end of that game? MATT. RYAN.
Then it was time for Willow. Things were good. Kirk grabbed a stack of new dvds Tim brought up and picked at the wrapper until he could get it open. Once he did, he took the little black security tag off from inside and started chewing on it. The boy's gonna choke to death before anything else happens. Sadly I can hardly blame him since I've done the same myself. I have absolutely no idea why.
I also tried to get Kirk up and on his feet between movies. On account of I thought we were supposed to do that. Kirk was reluctant and instead let me sit him up on the edge of the couch so he could better reach the tray of chips/salsa his mother put out for us (which he promptly destroyed). Come to find out Tim thinks Kirk's foot was swollen because he had been walking around on it and Deborah thinks he needs to get put on it to make the swelling go down. They can figure out that hot mess from now on.
Believe it or not, that was about 5+ hours of visiting. Kirk's still doing good, same as he has been recently. But again, no news is good news concerning his condition at this point. I'll take 'slow but pretty with it' over what his doctors are anticipating.
I got in contact with Courtney. A friend of Kirk's from highschool. She's coming on Friday. We're gonna have Paul coming in sometime this coming weekend. Jenny is coming Wednesday now instead of tomorrow on account of work. Njicki will be through town tomorrow and then back through again this weekend. Nick is coming this weekend. Gonna be some more awesome company. Make your reservations at El Casa de Jarvis soon. = )
This is the first night in over a week that I haven't had someone sleeping at the house. Thanks to everyone who's come to visit. It's been fun being back in contact with you after so many years. Some day we'll have to have some kind of ...I dunno... FSU Class of Awesome Fun Kids Reunion Super Party Weekend. When there's no bad news, everything's awesome and I've got too much beer in my fridge. Love you kids.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.11.08
Well call me Uncle Jessie, cause today shonuff was a full house. Sans any cars in the kitchen.
We got ramblin this morning with Butter, Devon, Sampson and me. We were shortly met at Kirk's by Lori, Erin and Campbell. We were then all introduced to a variety of Tim's family including his parents. Remarkably, with the way the Lawrence house is designed, everyone is pretty much able to hang out together in the large living/kitchen area. With the exception of everyone watching football upstairs in Tim's 'Man Room'. The 'Man Room' consists primarily of a new hdtv, a handful of chairs and an exercise bike. If he gets a mini fridge up there he's gonna be set.
We brought the enormous lasagna my mother prepared for lunch. It was well received (especially by Kirk as you know by now). As well as were the cinnamon rolls and variety of side dishes from Mrs. Winners brought by Lori, Erin and Campbell.
I've noticed Kirk tends to revert to the gameboy when there's many people in the house. Or rather, the two times we've had many people, he's done that. Bionic Commando again. A lot. I've never disliked the music or anything, but we're well-acquainted again. He's still playing pretty well. Reaching the second/third stages and then hurling himself into a pit (or water..cmon, WATER) and dying instantly. Tragically that's how that game does you.
He backed off with the game once we started watching Clue. An absolute gem. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking it up. It's superbly quotable and, as was the trend this week, Kirk was tossing out quotes right on cue. I've started to question whether or not these quotes are an intentional act or some kind of learned response. I mean, I know if you walked in a room and said "Oh, hello John" there's no way I'm not going to do the ENTIRE Mr. DNA scene from Jurassic Park. I would do it in my sleep. Kirk's much more vocal about quoting movies or laughing about movies than he is in any conversation. Just something you'll notice when you're in the room with him.
Oklahoma lost! Yay!
Vanderbilt lost! Boo!
Kentucky lost! Boo!
Georgia won...but not by enough. But hey, if they win their games, they're golden, right?
Then we put in Spaceballs. I was sorry that Steve and Beavis weren't both here. The two guys I know that could each perform the entire movie as a one-man stage play. Of course every line in a Mel Brooks movie is a joke and Kirk was all over them as well. Singing the theme even. Hitting the triple 'pew, pew, pew' in the theme (if you know what I'm talking about).
So I'd say he's been pretty consistent all week about recalling absolutely everything. I haven't seen him not know something or not recognize something. He took a phone call from Katie Rask and was pretty on top of things. Talking more than I've seen previously on the phone. But it's hard to get conversational timing with him on the phone. You can say something and suspect he didn't hear you because he's taking forever and a day to respond. Just that super slo-mo deal. He's there, but the words don't come out fast. Again, unless he's quoting a movie and it comes out clear as a bell and right on time. What a weirdo.
After Spaceballs and tidying up after ourselves a bit it was time for Sampson to get to the airport. We all decided we should follow her and dipped out. Sampson returned to Boston, Butter returned to Columbus, and Lori and The Jacksonville Welcoming Committee are staying in Macon. So it's just Devon with us tonight, but I've picked up Tim, Kirk's friend from highschool, and it's lookin like a Val Kilmer double feature tomorrow: Willow/Real Genius. Fair warning, Liz. If you leave now you can make it in time to watch both. ; )
Another good day. I'm very pleased about that. My plan is to keep pumping this kid full of food and love (hmm, pumping full of love?) until the cancer says otherwise. We've got a pretty star-studded guest list this week. Not least of all is Paul back from the desert! Everyone keep keep me posted on your plans and I'll keep washing bed sheets. Let's keep this love train cruisin.
We got ramblin this morning with Butter, Devon, Sampson and me. We were shortly met at Kirk's by Lori, Erin and Campbell. We were then all introduced to a variety of Tim's family including his parents. Remarkably, with the way the Lawrence house is designed, everyone is pretty much able to hang out together in the large living/kitchen area. With the exception of everyone watching football upstairs in Tim's 'Man Room'. The 'Man Room' consists primarily of a new hdtv, a handful of chairs and an exercise bike. If he gets a mini fridge up there he's gonna be set.
We brought the enormous lasagna my mother prepared for lunch. It was well received (especially by Kirk as you know by now). As well as were the cinnamon rolls and variety of side dishes from Mrs. Winners brought by Lori, Erin and Campbell.
I've noticed Kirk tends to revert to the gameboy when there's many people in the house. Or rather, the two times we've had many people, he's done that. Bionic Commando again. A lot. I've never disliked the music or anything, but we're well-acquainted again. He's still playing pretty well. Reaching the second/third stages and then hurling himself into a pit (or water..cmon, WATER) and dying instantly. Tragically that's how that game does you.
He backed off with the game once we started watching Clue. An absolute gem. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking it up. It's superbly quotable and, as was the trend this week, Kirk was tossing out quotes right on cue. I've started to question whether or not these quotes are an intentional act or some kind of learned response. I mean, I know if you walked in a room and said "Oh, hello John" there's no way I'm not going to do the ENTIRE Mr. DNA scene from Jurassic Park. I would do it in my sleep. Kirk's much more vocal about quoting movies or laughing about movies than he is in any conversation. Just something you'll notice when you're in the room with him.
Oklahoma lost! Yay!
Vanderbilt lost! Boo!
Kentucky lost! Boo!
Georgia won...but not by enough. But hey, if they win their games, they're golden, right?
Then we put in Spaceballs. I was sorry that Steve and Beavis weren't both here. The two guys I know that could each perform the entire movie as a one-man stage play. Of course every line in a Mel Brooks movie is a joke and Kirk was all over them as well. Singing the theme even. Hitting the triple 'pew, pew, pew' in the theme (if you know what I'm talking about).
So I'd say he's been pretty consistent all week about recalling absolutely everything. I haven't seen him not know something or not recognize something. He took a phone call from Katie Rask and was pretty on top of things. Talking more than I've seen previously on the phone. But it's hard to get conversational timing with him on the phone. You can say something and suspect he didn't hear you because he's taking forever and a day to respond. Just that super slo-mo deal. He's there, but the words don't come out fast. Again, unless he's quoting a movie and it comes out clear as a bell and right on time. What a weirdo.
After Spaceballs and tidying up after ourselves a bit it was time for Sampson to get to the airport. We all decided we should follow her and dipped out. Sampson returned to Boston, Butter returned to Columbus, and Lori and The Jacksonville Welcoming Committee are staying in Macon. So it's just Devon with us tonight, but I've picked up Tim, Kirk's friend from highschool, and it's lookin like a Val Kilmer double feature tomorrow: Willow/Real Genius. Fair warning, Liz. If you leave now you can make it in time to watch both. ; )
Another good day. I'm very pleased about that. My plan is to keep pumping this kid full of food and love (hmm, pumping full of love?) until the cancer says otherwise. We've got a pretty star-studded guest list this week. Not least of all is Paul back from the desert! Everyone keep keep me posted on your plans and I'll keep washing bed sheets. Let's keep this love train cruisin.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.10.08
Hello, again. And welcome to the 3:30am Kirk Daily Update. (Sleep is for girl babies.)
Had another fun day today. Which makes these emails progressively shorter and shorter. We pretty much literally do the same thing each day. But we're definitely in a "no news is freaking fantastic news" situation.
We brought subs for lunch. Of course Kirk inhaled it. With a buncha Doritos. Tiffany did her best to steal bites on account of "the baby wants some bacon". They're adorable together. They sing! Both Tiffany and Kirk are very drawn to music and sing when they're happy. Very cute.
Oh, he ate the subs AFTER plowing through all the brownies! Hope's care package arrived from a variety of sources. Thanks so much everyone! The half a brownie I snatched was delicious. Kirk polished off like dozens of them. And played with the batman toys. I also dressed him up in the scarf. A fun time was had by all. = )
Tiffany had busted out some glow-in-the-dark puzzles. She started a moderate, I dunno 500 piece (?), puzzle and retired for a nap. During today's screening of Ghostbusters Devon and I worked out most of the puzzle. Kirk was at the table as well watching the movie and throwing out lines and laughing. As we approached the last 20+ pieces of the puzzle, Kirk jumped in and finished it. The kid surprises me every day. Yesterday I would have said that he might not have been capable. Boom. He's awesome.
His older sister Nikki and her son Messiah came later in the afternoon. Deborah and Tim welcomed the time with their grandson. Tim and Messiah played with Kirk's batman toys on the table. Later Deborah let Messiah help her cook dinner. They're pretty adorable too.
Not long after Sampson arrived, it was time to leave. We'll get her, Devon, Butter (Sally) and me over there again to meet up with Lori, Campbell and Erin. Gonna be another pretty packed day. Especially with Tim's family staying there now. It's the best having all of you up here. I know it's doing such good things for Kirk. And honestly, for me too. Love train! Woo! Woo!
Catch you kids later.
PS - Anyone heard from Beavis/Illy? I've left messages on Beavis' cell, but haven't heard from him. ???
Had another fun day today. Which makes these emails progressively shorter and shorter. We pretty much literally do the same thing each day. But we're definitely in a "no news is freaking fantastic news" situation.
We brought subs for lunch. Of course Kirk inhaled it. With a buncha Doritos. Tiffany did her best to steal bites on account of "the baby wants some bacon". They're adorable together. They sing! Both Tiffany and Kirk are very drawn to music and sing when they're happy. Very cute.
Oh, he ate the subs AFTER plowing through all the brownies! Hope's care package arrived from a variety of sources. Thanks so much everyone! The half a brownie I snatched was delicious. Kirk polished off like dozens of them. And played with the batman toys. I also dressed him up in the scarf. A fun time was had by all. = )
Tiffany had busted out some glow-in-the-dark puzzles. She started a moderate, I dunno 500 piece (?), puzzle and retired for a nap. During today's screening of Ghostbusters Devon and I worked out most of the puzzle. Kirk was at the table as well watching the movie and throwing out lines and laughing. As we approached the last 20+ pieces of the puzzle, Kirk jumped in and finished it. The kid surprises me every day. Yesterday I would have said that he might not have been capable. Boom. He's awesome.
His older sister Nikki and her son Messiah came later in the afternoon. Deborah and Tim welcomed the time with their grandson. Tim and Messiah played with Kirk's batman toys on the table. Later Deborah let Messiah help her cook dinner. They're pretty adorable too.
Not long after Sampson arrived, it was time to leave. We'll get her, Devon, Butter (Sally) and me over there again to meet up with Lori, Campbell and Erin. Gonna be another pretty packed day. Especially with Tim's family staying there now. It's the best having all of you up here. I know it's doing such good things for Kirk. And honestly, for me too. Love train! Woo! Woo!
Catch you kids later.
PS - Anyone heard from Beavis/Illy? I've left messages on Beavis' cell, but haven't heard from him. ???
Friday, October 10, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.9.08
Again, sorry I'm late on this. Most of you have told me how much you hang on every word of these updates since it's your only contact with Kirk.
Let's see, we had quite a few yesterday. Butter and Amanda came over to the house and joined Pura and Steve. We all rolled over there and met with Kimberly who had already arrived. Then Devon showed up in the afternoon.
We cooked three frozen pizzas. Kirk, once again, didn't reject any food whatsoever. He's a machine. He'll also sit there and suck every last drop of drink out of his cup. Then eat the straw. Yeah, you really gotta watch what he puts in his mouth. Be it the tail of a toy dinosaur or a water bottle cap. He'll eat it.
We watched a Bill & Ted double feature. I still say those movies are awesome. Some would disagree.
Then we watched most of Flash Gordon. I say most because we really didn't intend to watch any of it. Kirk put it on pretty late in the afternoon. He watched some special features. Then he watched the ending...then he backed up and watch a little before the ending AND the ending. Then backed it up some more. Very strange boy. But I don't think that's the cancer. I've seen him watch movies out of sequence before.
Then we snacked on chips we had brought and AAAALL the cookies sent to the Lawrence house from well-wishers. I'm gonna gain 10 pounds lookin after this kid. OH, and Kirk's mom freaked out about the chocolate pound cake Butter made. Well, I'm told her grandmother made it. Still, I don't expect to see much of that left when we arrive today. Haha.
Kirk's still in good shape. I don't mean to make anyone's expectations unrealistic. There is certainly a terrible cancer killing brains cells every day, but somehow Kirk is beating it. Or atleast dodging it. Still walking, still talking, still eating. Doing everything his doctors say he shouldn't be able to do. One day he won't be able to keep it up, I'm sure. And he'll be a different Kirk. Which will be very sad. But until then, we need to go in there day-to-day and hope for the best and expect the worst. On a brighter note, everyone that's visited him has said "You know, I was expecting him to be in a lot worse shape." Which is totally true. He's hangin in there (insert Natalie's cat poster).
So come one, come all. I've got an air mattress for ya.
Let's see, we had quite a few yesterday. Butter and Amanda came over to the house and joined Pura and Steve. We all rolled over there and met with Kimberly who had already arrived. Then Devon showed up in the afternoon.
We cooked three frozen pizzas. Kirk, once again, didn't reject any food whatsoever. He's a machine. He'll also sit there and suck every last drop of drink out of his cup. Then eat the straw. Yeah, you really gotta watch what he puts in his mouth. Be it the tail of a toy dinosaur or a water bottle cap. He'll eat it.
We watched a Bill & Ted double feature. I still say those movies are awesome. Some would disagree.
Then we watched most of Flash Gordon. I say most because we really didn't intend to watch any of it. Kirk put it on pretty late in the afternoon. He watched some special features. Then he watched the ending...then he backed up and watch a little before the ending AND the ending. Then backed it up some more. Very strange boy. But I don't think that's the cancer. I've seen him watch movies out of sequence before.
Then we snacked on chips we had brought and AAAALL the cookies sent to the Lawrence house from well-wishers. I'm gonna gain 10 pounds lookin after this kid. OH, and Kirk's mom freaked out about the chocolate pound cake Butter made. Well, I'm told her grandmother made it. Still, I don't expect to see much of that left when we arrive today. Haha.
Kirk's still in good shape. I don't mean to make anyone's expectations unrealistic. There is certainly a terrible cancer killing brains cells every day, but somehow Kirk is beating it. Or atleast dodging it. Still walking, still talking, still eating. Doing everything his doctors say he shouldn't be able to do. One day he won't be able to keep it up, I'm sure. And he'll be a different Kirk. Which will be very sad. But until then, we need to go in there day-to-day and hope for the best and expect the worst. On a brighter note, everyone that's visited him has said "You know, I was expecting him to be in a lot worse shape." Which is totally true. He's hangin in there (insert Natalie's cat poster).
So come one, come all. I've got an air mattress for ya.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.8.07
Greetings all! It makes me happy to be able to add new names to The List every day. With each one I know I'm closer to not leaving someone out. Also, I hope Tess is receiving this...I've got a handfull of addresses for her now. = )
I don't mean to be boring, but we had another awesome day with Kirk. Just Diana, Andrew and myself today. The calm before the love storm coming tomorrow through Sunday.
We've been pretty consistent about getting over there by around noon. I want to give Kirk and Tim plenty of time in the morning to get through their morning routine. We brought Zaxby's today. Kirk made short work of the half of his chicken finger meal I put on a plate for him. I looked over and he was scraping a plastic fork around the little tub of sauce trying to get every little drop. I rolled my eyes and gave him the second half of the meal. FYI, Liz confirmed with her mother that one of the meds he's still on is likely causing him to want so much food. So probably not hypothalamus damage as I had previously suspected (thanks Professor Glendening and your Brain and Behavior class!).
We put Back to the Future in today. AKA My Most Favorite Movie Of All Time. I had really been looking forward to watching it with Kirk and my siblings. We were all over it. Kirk especially. While Diana, Andrew and I discussed the complexities of time travel and the rich detail of the Hill Valley universe, Kirk was preempting lines and making sound effects for actors' facial expressions. And laughing lots. I know I've mentioned it before, but the laughing is the best part of my day lately. Don't worry, Marty made it back to 1985. It was really close, but he did it.
Diana left to get her schoolwork finished for tomorrow while we gents watched the end of The Abyss. Kirk knew the character names before they were mentioned which was excellent. Sort of a downer movie though...I mean, everything's awesome in the end, but people are dying or almost dying or being left for dead in the cold dark depths of the ocean. So...I guess I'll be a little more mindful of what we watch. Mayhaps Ghostbusters II or Harlem Nights tomorrow? We'll see.
So everything that was good before is still good and getting better. He's getting up off the couch by himself pretty regularly. Speaking a fair bit and has never dozed off while we're there. Which is amazing since we're usually there for like 6+ hours. Paralyzed, my ass.
The blog and Flickr pages are up! Everyone be sure to thank Joe for taking lead on that one. For now you can find all the previous Kirk Updates, but I think it would be cool if people blogged (or submitted to be blogged) their own accounts of their visits with Kirk, well wishes, etc. Also, thanks everyone for the Flickr pictures. I have some new ones from you guys plus my own digital stash to get uploaded. I have older pictures, but I need to find time to scan them. I think these will be very cathartic projects for all of us, but maybe especially for those that can't make it up to see Kirk.
I hear word that the Tallahassee Roller Girls have shown an interest in visiting us in sunny Atlanta. I must say, I get in (pretend) trouble with Mrs. Lawrence every other minute at their house. Usually for bringing over too much food or having a beard or letting her son ride a skateboard. I'd love to see her face if I escorted two dozen beautiful, rough and tumble, skater girls into her house. Seriously, I think it would be fun as hell. I've suggested not this weekend but next weekend? Think on it, ladies.
Well, I'm to bed. Miss Sally "Butter" Neuman, Amanda and Kimberly arrive in 6.5 hours. Then Devon later in the afternoon. Also we received Steve and Pura a little while ago. Tomorrow is gonna be fun.
I don't mean to be boring, but we had another awesome day with Kirk. Just Diana, Andrew and myself today. The calm before the love storm coming tomorrow through Sunday.
We've been pretty consistent about getting over there by around noon. I want to give Kirk and Tim plenty of time in the morning to get through their morning routine. We brought Zaxby's today. Kirk made short work of the half of his chicken finger meal I put on a plate for him. I looked over and he was scraping a plastic fork around the little tub of sauce trying to get every little drop. I rolled my eyes and gave him the second half of the meal. FYI, Liz confirmed with her mother that one of the meds he's still on is likely causing him to want so much food. So probably not hypothalamus damage as I had previously suspected (thanks Professor Glendening and your Brain and Behavior class!).
We put Back to the Future in today. AKA My Most Favorite Movie Of All Time. I had really been looking forward to watching it with Kirk and my siblings. We were all over it. Kirk especially. While Diana, Andrew and I discussed the complexities of time travel and the rich detail of the Hill Valley universe, Kirk was preempting lines and making sound effects for actors' facial expressions. And laughing lots. I know I've mentioned it before, but the laughing is the best part of my day lately. Don't worry, Marty made it back to 1985. It was really close, but he did it.
Diana left to get her schoolwork finished for tomorrow while we gents watched the end of The Abyss. Kirk knew the character names before they were mentioned which was excellent. Sort of a downer movie though...I mean, everything's awesome in the end, but people are dying or almost dying or being left for dead in the cold dark depths of the ocean. So...I guess I'll be a little more mindful of what we watch. Mayhaps Ghostbusters II or Harlem Nights tomorrow? We'll see.
So everything that was good before is still good and getting better. He's getting up off the couch by himself pretty regularly. Speaking a fair bit and has never dozed off while we're there. Which is amazing since we're usually there for like 6+ hours. Paralyzed, my ass.
The blog and Flickr pages are up! Everyone be sure to thank Joe for taking lead on that one. For now you can find all the previous Kirk Updates, but I think it would be cool if people blogged (or submitted to be blogged) their own accounts of their visits with Kirk, well wishes, etc. Also, thanks everyone for the Flickr pictures. I have some new ones from you guys plus my own digital stash to get uploaded. I have older pictures, but I need to find time to scan them. I think these will be very cathartic projects for all of us, but maybe especially for those that can't make it up to see Kirk.
I hear word that the Tallahassee Roller Girls have shown an interest in visiting us in sunny Atlanta. I must say, I get in (pretend) trouble with Mrs. Lawrence every other minute at their house. Usually for bringing over too much food or having a beard or letting her son ride a skateboard. I'd love to see her face if I escorted two dozen beautiful, rough and tumble, skater girls into her house. Seriously, I think it would be fun as hell. I've suggested not this weekend but next weekend? Think on it, ladies.
Well, I'm to bed. Miss Sally "Butter" Neuman, Amanda and Kimberly arrive in 6.5 hours. Then Devon later in the afternoon. Also we received Steve and Pura a little while ago. Tomorrow is gonna be fun.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Adding updates
John has asked me to add his email updates, both past and ongoing. I'm going to try to backdate them to when they were originally sent, but if I can't, they'll show up after this post. (EDIT: Backdating seems to have worked. Scroll down to catch up.) The updates by John have "-John" at the end of them.
I've added some more pics to the Kirk Flickr page, including a good one sent by Jon Abbott (below). Thanks Jon, and keep 'em coming! If you want to add them yourself, I can give you the login info.

Kirk Update - 10.7.08
Hello everyone! (So many names! Most excellent. As always, everyone please look these names over and see who we're missing. Also my frozenmilk@aol and grimtess@aol addresses seem to be failing. Check on it for me?)
This morning we had Morgan, Emmy and Jerris over. No real changes to report with Kirk's condition. Which, don't get it twisted, is FANTASTIC news. He was as responsive as ever and recognized everyone as instantly as he has all weekend.
As far as being talkative, he was slightly different. Yesterday he was sorta super talkative with the greetings and tapered off toward the end of the day. Today he was less talkative when we arrived, but had more to say more often with little tapering. About the same average though. I just want to be as specific as I can when discussing "what he's like". Since I see him every day I think I can convey trends and larger tendencies. I'll try to anyway.
No gameboy today. Married with Children when we got there. Then Kickboxer. A movie which I forgot was so retarded. I would have said that it was pretty on par with Bloodsport. No sir. We made fun and had a good time with that.
Then hotdog lunch. The kid is still pounding food. I'm starting to wonder if the hunger control part of his brain (hypothalamus?) has suffered damage and he'll just eat until he explodes if we let him.
Then we saw Goonies. I pulled down his Copper Bones replica I got him for his birthday. He tried to put it over his head and hang it around his neck but it couldn't make it over his swelled head. Heartbreaking. BUT, Kirk was there line for line with the movie and singing/tapping feet with the soundtrack and score. Like really on top of everything. Laughing and reminiscing with us. It's one of my all time favorite movies and Kirk's as well. Which reminds me, I think BTTF is on for tomorrow. Especially if Diana comes and Tiffany is off work. But we'll see.
He seems to be in very little pain. Not many nerves in the brain to feel pain. He can get minor headaches and his left foot is tending to swell along with his head. I think the foot swelling can be from being so idle. We'll maybe try to take him for a walk sometime this week. Cause he's definitely walking better and better. And standing up from the couch to go to the bathroom completely unassisted. Which, I forgot, is an improvement over yesterday.
He was in the bathroom for literally an hour. I don't know if he fell asleep in there or what. Or if the lack of both bowel control and some motor function makes it super difficult to go to the bathroom. We sent Tim to check on him multiple times, but everything was fine. Just took forever.
Then we took off and got Emmy and Jerris on the road. A semi-uneventful day, but I'll take it. Handful of laughs with friends over movies. Which is probably exactly how I would have designed these days even if I had a choice.
Joe is working on a new blog/flickr page for Kirk. On the blog you'll be able to catch up on past Daily Updates. I'm going to see if I can get Deborah or Tim to write something to all of you. I can scan some letters from Kirk's doctors for you guys to read. Things like that. As far as the Flickr page, just keep emailing me pictures you have of Kirk. I know I've enjoyed seeing the ones I've received so far. Links to both these pages to come. Likely tomorrow.
If you thought last weekend was a lot of folks, this weekend is gonna be awesome. Starting Thursday and running through Sunday. For those of you coming, let me know when you plan on leaving! I am ABSOLUTELY NOT throwing you out, I'm just curious and trying to build a spreadsheet of who's at the house and when. Also, I'd suggest that anyone driving toss a blanket or two and a pillow in your car before you come. We've got many many here, but the weather is getting cooler and I'd hate to have you guys laying around at night with too few blankets. But come on with it, we're gonna have fun. = )
I think that's it for today. Especially since I can't seem to get these off before 3am. I think the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. Not hard days...but medium-hard. And I could probably stand to not let them stack up on me, heh.
Goodnight all, and I can't wait to see all of you when you come.
This morning we had Morgan, Emmy and Jerris over. No real changes to report with Kirk's condition. Which, don't get it twisted, is FANTASTIC news. He was as responsive as ever and recognized everyone as instantly as he has all weekend.
As far as being talkative, he was slightly different. Yesterday he was sorta super talkative with the greetings and tapered off toward the end of the day. Today he was less talkative when we arrived, but had more to say more often with little tapering. About the same average though. I just want to be as specific as I can when discussing "what he's like". Since I see him every day I think I can convey trends and larger tendencies. I'll try to anyway.
No gameboy today. Married with Children when we got there. Then Kickboxer. A movie which I forgot was so retarded. I would have said that it was pretty on par with Bloodsport. No sir. We made fun and had a good time with that.
Then hotdog lunch. The kid is still pounding food. I'm starting to wonder if the hunger control part of his brain (hypothalamus?) has suffered damage and he'll just eat until he explodes if we let him.
Then we saw Goonies. I pulled down his Copper Bones replica I got him for his birthday. He tried to put it over his head and hang it around his neck but it couldn't make it over his swelled head. Heartbreaking. BUT, Kirk was there line for line with the movie and singing/tapping feet with the soundtrack and score. Like really on top of everything. Laughing and reminiscing with us. It's one of my all time favorite movies and Kirk's as well. Which reminds me, I think BTTF is on for tomorrow. Especially if Diana comes and Tiffany is off work. But we'll see.
He seems to be in very little pain. Not many nerves in the brain to feel pain. He can get minor headaches and his left foot is tending to swell along with his head. I think the foot swelling can be from being so idle. We'll maybe try to take him for a walk sometime this week. Cause he's definitely walking better and better. And standing up from the couch to go to the bathroom completely unassisted. Which, I forgot, is an improvement over yesterday.
He was in the bathroom for literally an hour. I don't know if he fell asleep in there or what. Or if the lack of both bowel control and some motor function makes it super difficult to go to the bathroom. We sent Tim to check on him multiple times, but everything was fine. Just took forever.
Then we took off and got Emmy and Jerris on the road. A semi-uneventful day, but I'll take it. Handful of laughs with friends over movies. Which is probably exactly how I would have designed these days even if I had a choice.
Joe is working on a new blog/flickr page for Kirk. On the blog you'll be able to catch up on past Daily Updates. I'm going to see if I can get Deborah or Tim to write something to all of you. I can scan some letters from Kirk's doctors for you guys to read. Things like that. As far as the Flickr page, just keep emailing me pictures you have of Kirk. I know I've enjoyed seeing the ones I've received so far. Links to both these pages to come. Likely tomorrow.
If you thought last weekend was a lot of folks, this weekend is gonna be awesome. Starting Thursday and running through Sunday. For those of you coming, let me know when you plan on leaving! I am ABSOLUTELY NOT throwing you out, I'm just curious and trying to build a spreadsheet of who's at the house and when. Also, I'd suggest that anyone driving toss a blanket or two and a pillow in your car before you come. We've got many many here, but the weather is getting cooler and I'd hate to have you guys laying around at night with too few blankets. But come on with it, we're gonna have fun. = )
I think that's it for today. Especially since I can't seem to get these off before 3am. I think the lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. Not hard days...but medium-hard. And I could probably stand to not let them stack up on me, heh.
Goodnight all, and I can't wait to see all of you when you come.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Here's the deal
Hey everybody, here is a summary of the the situation as I understand it.
In early September, we learned that Kirk's doctors found a new tumor in his brain. It was much deeper than the others and was deemed inoperable, but they were going to try some different, non-invasive techniques to see what they could do. About a month later, Kirk's parents decided the doctors had done everything they could do, so they took him out of the Mayo Clinic up to their home in Lithia Springs (just west of Atlanta) to ride it out till the end.
So Kirk's at home now, among family and friends. His parents are able to look after him now, but they're investigating hospice options for the time when Kirk can't stand up on his own anymore. He loves having visitors, but he's lost some responsiveness and functionality, and he gets tired pretty fast. He has been showing some improvement in the short term as he comes off the last round of chemo, but no one knows how much longer he'll be around. The doctors are amazed he can still even walk and talk at this point, because the cancer has already separated the parts of his brain that are supposed to handle those functions.
His mom told me she was checking in on him a few weeks back and saw he'd been crying. She asked him what was wrong, and he said, "I'm tired, mom." She says Kirk has made his peace with what's going on. I've been trying to make peace with it too, but damn it's hard. Anyone who can make the trek to visit him, please do so, and keep the Lawrence family in your prayers for the road ahead.
This blog and a corresponding Flickr account are open to anyone who wants to contribute — updates, photos, memories, whatever. Just email me and I'll add you as an editor.
So...I also need to add that I've reconsidered all "spread the love" staggering of the visits. I had sorta thought we would need to do that if Kirk wasn't responding well to having so many people around him at once. But honestly he's fine with it so so am I. Any time you can make it to see him is an excellent time to do so.
Okay, that's it. Get ye to Atlanta!
Okay, that's it. Get ye to Atlanta!
Kirk Update - 10.6.08
So many new names with us! As always, everyone take a look at the CCs and check to make sure that everyone that should see these emails is in there.
Well, another fantastic day at the Lawrence house. This morning we had Morgan, Liz and Diana over. Kirk was even more talkative with his greetings. Truth be told the first 5 minutes of the day and anytime he laughs are my favorite. As far as talking, he gets progressively less and less talkative through the day, but I'd say he started really really well and slowed down to about where he was yesterday.
We had stopped at Publix for sammich meat, etc to take over for lunch. Kirk killed a sammich, Veggie Bootie snacks, chips, grapes, macaroni salad and would have kept eating and drinking juice had we let him. Pretty good sign.
We popped in, at Liz's request, the AMAZINGLY inappropriate Chipmunks Movie. A movie I love...but seriously, watch it and count all the too-sexy, little girl chipmunk up-skirts and panty shots. I quote "Tell me what I need to do to get lucky with you." We laughed a good bit.
Then we watched Coming to America. I might put this one back into rotation some time. Kirk LOVED watching it. Was laughing in every scene. I was very glad to see that he knew the jokes. Little funny Eddie Murphy facial expressions, little non-jokes, musical cues. He was all over it. Tapping his foot in time with the royal limo cadence (if you're familiar with the movie). You REALLY gotta hear him laugh. It makes you feel so much better about everything.
Fewer specifics to report. But I would say we're still improving every day. Again, I'm sure it has to do with being off his medications and receiving the such a non-stop love train from all of you.
I've had so many requests for his address for mailing cards and care packages. I wanted to make sure everyone had it:
1820 Bailey Lane
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Nick sent Kirk a video greeting which I thought was a great idea. Kirk's computer is being an asshole, but I can bring over a laptop and play the videos for him. I'm sure he'd enjoy anything you guys want to send.
Let's see, other projects. Joe has suggested we blog all these emails, pictures and skateboard videos. Yes, for those of you who haven't received previous emails, Kirk was on a skateboard yesterday. I got in a little bit of pretend trouble with Kirk's mom. Video to be posted soon at if Joe has time to set that up this week. And of course I'm gonna need to get a copy of the file from Liz. = ) Maybe you guys could email me some pics you might have of Kirk and we could post all of them as well? Let's see what we can do about that.
Again, especially for the new additions, let me again offer our house in Marietta to anyone that can figure out how to find the time to be here. We can shuttle you around and get you to Kirk's house for some hangin out. Hit me up at 850-559-8766 and we can work out the details. We've got Morgan, Emmy and Jerris here now. Steve and Pura to arrive tomorrow. WOO! WOO! Love train comin.
Thanks to everyone that's made it out so far, and everyone that's planning on being here soon. And to everyone else sending such positive support to Kirk. It's really awesome. I know I'm working hard to keep everyone informed, but it doesn't require the time off from work, travel and such that it does you guys to get out here. I really appreciate it and of course so does Kirk and his family. His mother is positive that our presence is doing wonders for Kirk's health and quality of life.
Until tomorrow my bruthas and sistahs. Call/email me anytime you have any questions or concerns and I'll do my best to get back to you soon.
Well, another fantastic day at the Lawrence house. This morning we had Morgan, Liz and Diana over. Kirk was even more talkative with his greetings. Truth be told the first 5 minutes of the day and anytime he laughs are my favorite. As far as talking, he gets progressively less and less talkative through the day, but I'd say he started really really well and slowed down to about where he was yesterday.
We had stopped at Publix for sammich meat, etc to take over for lunch. Kirk killed a sammich, Veggie Bootie snacks, chips, grapes, macaroni salad and would have kept eating and drinking juice had we let him. Pretty good sign.
We popped in, at Liz's request, the AMAZINGLY inappropriate Chipmunks Movie. A movie I love...but seriously, watch it and count all the too-sexy, little girl chipmunk up-skirts and panty shots. I quote "Tell me what I need to do to get lucky with you." We laughed a good bit.
Then we watched Coming to America. I might put this one back into rotation some time. Kirk LOVED watching it. Was laughing in every scene. I was very glad to see that he knew the jokes. Little funny Eddie Murphy facial expressions, little non-jokes, musical cues. He was all over it. Tapping his foot in time with the royal limo cadence (if you're familiar with the movie). You REALLY gotta hear him laugh. It makes you feel so much better about everything.
Fewer specifics to report. But I would say we're still improving every day. Again, I'm sure it has to do with being off his medications and receiving the such a non-stop love train from all of you.
I've had so many requests for his address for mailing cards and care packages. I wanted to make sure everyone had it:
1820 Bailey Lane
Lithia Springs, GA 30122
Nick sent Kirk a video greeting which I thought was a great idea. Kirk's computer is being an asshole, but I can bring over a laptop and play the videos for him. I'm sure he'd enjoy anything you guys want to send.
Let's see, other projects. Joe has suggested we blog all these emails, pictures and skateboard videos. Yes, for those of you who haven't received previous emails, Kirk was on a skateboard yesterday. I got in a little bit of pretend trouble with Kirk's mom. Video to be posted soon at if Joe has time to set that up this week. And of course I'm gonna need to get a copy of the file from Liz. = ) Maybe you guys could email me some pics you might have of Kirk and we could post all of them as well? Let's see what we can do about that.
Again, especially for the new additions, let me again offer our house in Marietta to anyone that can figure out how to find the time to be here. We can shuttle you around and get you to Kirk's house for some hangin out. Hit me up at 850-559-8766 and we can work out the details. We've got Morgan, Emmy and Jerris here now. Steve and Pura to arrive tomorrow. WOO! WOO! Love train comin.
Thanks to everyone that's made it out so far, and everyone that's planning on being here soon. And to everyone else sending such positive support to Kirk. It's really awesome. I know I'm working hard to keep everyone informed, but it doesn't require the time off from work, travel and such that it does you guys to get out here. I really appreciate it and of course so does Kirk and his family. His mother is positive that our presence is doing wonders for Kirk's health and quality of life.
Until tomorrow my bruthas and sistahs. Call/email me anytime you have any questions or concerns and I'll do my best to get back to you soon.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.5.08
REALLY really good day today! Seriously, so far each day he's been twice as good as the day before. I attribute it to plenty of sleep, being off meds and the totally excellent company he's had the past few days.
We got out as early as we could get people rollin this morning. We stopped for 3 dozen doughnuts and a box of coffee on the way to meet Dan and his twin brother Dave (reebok circa 1992? yeah, I know) at Kirk's house. I hadn't met Dave before, but he's definitely a cool guy. Also very good to see Dan again. Been a while.
Kirk was up to greet everyone shortly after we arrived. SO much more talkative today. Not to say that he's much for talking, but definitely twice as much as yesterday. Much more participatory with visitors. And LAUGHING which was so awesome for everyone to see.
We were there for like 8 hours. It flew by. Kirk was up for the entire day. OMG, get this! So Kirk's dad gets him up to take him outside. Get some sunshine, etc. So some of us follow them out. Liz finds Kirk's old skateboard propped up against the garage wall. We discuss how she'd bust ass in the driveway if she stepped on it, etc. After a few minutes Tim asks if Kirk's about ready to go in. He say "yeah. just a second." Kirk walks straight over to the skateboard...i shit you not...and puts it down on the driveway. Then Tim and I, in our great wisdom, drag him around and down the driveway. Pretty awesome. Firstly because Kirk was having fun, but also definitely cool to see him with balance and get his body a little work out.
To say the least I got in trouble with Deborah. (not really, she was super pleased to know he was having a good time and will probably cherish the video Liz took of it 4ever)
Then we sat around and talked about nothing/everything for hours. I found out I'm better at Biff/Griff/MadDog Tannen impressions than I should be. Much to the amusement of Kirk. It was a very fun day.
Find more people for this list! PLEASE! I'm not passing out yet, so I'm gonna get on Facebook/MySpace. Most Wanted:
* Pura's current cell number
* Beavis's current email address
* Tim and Courtney from Kirk's highschool
Till tomorrow!
We got out as early as we could get people rollin this morning. We stopped for 3 dozen doughnuts and a box of coffee on the way to meet Dan and his twin brother Dave (reebok circa 1992? yeah, I know) at Kirk's house. I hadn't met Dave before, but he's definitely a cool guy. Also very good to see Dan again. Been a while.
Kirk was up to greet everyone shortly after we arrived. SO much more talkative today. Not to say that he's much for talking, but definitely twice as much as yesterday. Much more participatory with visitors. And LAUGHING which was so awesome for everyone to see.
We were there for like 8 hours. It flew by. Kirk was up for the entire day. OMG, get this! So Kirk's dad gets him up to take him outside. Get some sunshine, etc. So some of us follow them out. Liz finds Kirk's old skateboard propped up against the garage wall. We discuss how she'd bust ass in the driveway if she stepped on it, etc. After a few minutes Tim asks if Kirk's about ready to go in. He say "yeah. just a second." Kirk walks straight over to the skateboard...i shit you not...and puts it down on the driveway. Then Tim and I, in our great wisdom, drag him around and down the driveway. Pretty awesome. Firstly because Kirk was having fun, but also definitely cool to see him with balance and get his body a little work out.
To say the least I got in trouble with Deborah. (not really, she was super pleased to know he was having a good time and will probably cherish the video Liz took of it 4ever)
Then we sat around and talked about nothing/everything for hours. I found out I'm better at Biff/Griff/MadDog Tannen impressions than I should be. Much to the amusement of Kirk. It was a very fun day.
Find more people for this list! PLEASE! I'm not passing out yet, so I'm gonna get on Facebook/MySpace. Most Wanted:
* Pura's current cell number
* Beavis's current email address
* Tim and Courtney from Kirk's highschool
Till tomorrow!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Kirk Update - 10.4.08
Hello! And a hearty welcome to the new members of The List. (Look over the addresses and help me find people who aren't on it!)
Today was a very satisfying day. Kirk was loads better than he was last night. I think the drive from Jacksonville sorta zonked him a little. Kristina and I took Joe, Bradley (and baby Wash) and Liz over to the house. Kirk recognized everyone instantly, greeted everyone very softly but not without personality. He stayed seated most of the 2 or so hours we were there (other than to get up to be taken to the bathroom). After greetings and hugs things were mostly quiet from him, but he stayed generally attentive with his eyes when you were speaking. I think this improvement was due to a great deal of sleep he got the night before.
Also, he was playing his game boy most of the time. I was certainly excited to see that his hands, while a little shaky, were able to hold the gameboy and hit buttons. Now, I admit, I was a little skeptical about how well he might have been playing Bionic Commando. I took a moment to watch him play over his shoulder and was more than pleased to see that he was being successful at playing and making coordinated jump/attack combinations. I'm no doctor but...and those of you that know the 8-bit Bionic Commando can agree with me here...that it's a pretty rough game and requires some delicate timing and coordination. So videogames are my best guess as to the current condition of his brain. I should write a paper.
We were there for a good while, but greetings, Liz's cookies and gameboy were pretty much what went down. Other than, of course, Mr. Wash Vinson. Mrs. Lawrence could not put him down. He is 100% freaking awesome and brought nothing but laughter with him to a household that hasn't seen much of it lately. So if any of you visitors can manage to bring a 1 year old with you, I recommend it.
So we talked about Kirk's reduction in medication. Deborah showed me some letters from Kirk's doctors. Most of them just giving a final analysis of Kirk's condition and what they were hoping would happen, best of luck, etc. Essentially why Kirk's not seeing them anymore is because science and medicine have done all they can or know how to do and it's not working. They were hoping they could possibly slow the spread of the disease down long enough for the brain tissue to heal behind it. This just isn't going to happen. The cancer is not slowing and is spreading deeper into his head.
Most interesting, however, is how surprised his doctors are at his capabilities. One is POSITIVE that he shouldn't be able to walk. He points out that the part of the brain responsible for walking is completely severed from the parts of the brain responsible for moving his legs. Other doctors don't know why he's not paralyzed (which may still happen). More doctors still convey similar thoughts about his speech, etc. I have a couple hypotheses. 1. The doctors are the best we've got but not good enough and are just wrong about his brain. or 2. Kirk's brain has circumnavigated its damaged portions and relearned to fire the walking synapses through different channels. Both certainly possible IMO.
Also, I should bring this up. Kirk is a big dude. And carrying him around the house (to the bathroom, to 'change' him, to bed) is physically exhausting his already emotionally exhausted parents. THUS, I've given them my opinion that he should be in some kind of hospice where he can get the 24/7 hands-on attention he needs. I dunno how you all feel about that, but I'd certainly like your input if you've had any experience with something like that.
Okay, so for those of you who might not have it, here's my contact info:
Cell - 850-559-8766
Address - 3096 Gant Quarters Way, Marietta GA 30068
If you're at all curious about "when should I come" I would say that any time you can is a good time. I know (and Kirk knows) that people have other things going on and might not be able to just up and leave for Atlanta. But when you can just hit me up and we'll take care of picking up from the airport, beds (or possibly couches) and timing when to see Kirk between resting.
Peace my bruthas and sistahs,
Oh PS! Pura's cell number?!? I thought I had it but I found out today that the "Pura Cell" in my phone is an 850 number. BOO! Help!
Today was a very satisfying day. Kirk was loads better than he was last night. I think the drive from Jacksonville sorta zonked him a little. Kristina and I took Joe, Bradley (and baby Wash) and Liz over to the house. Kirk recognized everyone instantly, greeted everyone very softly but not without personality. He stayed seated most of the 2 or so hours we were there (other than to get up to be taken to the bathroom). After greetings and hugs things were mostly quiet from him, but he stayed generally attentive with his eyes when you were speaking. I think this improvement was due to a great deal of sleep he got the night before.
Also, he was playing his game boy most of the time. I was certainly excited to see that his hands, while a little shaky, were able to hold the gameboy and hit buttons. Now, I admit, I was a little skeptical about how well he might have been playing Bionic Commando. I took a moment to watch him play over his shoulder and was more than pleased to see that he was being successful at playing and making coordinated jump/attack combinations. I'm no doctor but...and those of you that know the 8-bit Bionic Commando can agree with me here...that it's a pretty rough game and requires some delicate timing and coordination. So videogames are my best guess as to the current condition of his brain. I should write a paper.
We were there for a good while, but greetings, Liz's cookies and gameboy were pretty much what went down. Other than, of course, Mr. Wash Vinson. Mrs. Lawrence could not put him down. He is 100% freaking awesome and brought nothing but laughter with him to a household that hasn't seen much of it lately. So if any of you visitors can manage to bring a 1 year old with you, I recommend it.
So we talked about Kirk's reduction in medication. Deborah showed me some letters from Kirk's doctors. Most of them just giving a final analysis of Kirk's condition and what they were hoping would happen, best of luck, etc. Essentially why Kirk's not seeing them anymore is because science and medicine have done all they can or know how to do and it's not working. They were hoping they could possibly slow the spread of the disease down long enough for the brain tissue to heal behind it. This just isn't going to happen. The cancer is not slowing and is spreading deeper into his head.
Most interesting, however, is how surprised his doctors are at his capabilities. One is POSITIVE that he shouldn't be able to walk. He points out that the part of the brain responsible for walking is completely severed from the parts of the brain responsible for moving his legs. Other doctors don't know why he's not paralyzed (which may still happen). More doctors still convey similar thoughts about his speech, etc. I have a couple hypotheses. 1. The doctors are the best we've got but not good enough and are just wrong about his brain. or 2. Kirk's brain has circumnavigated its damaged portions and relearned to fire the walking synapses through different channels. Both certainly possible IMO.
Also, I should bring this up. Kirk is a big dude. And carrying him around the house (to the bathroom, to 'change' him, to bed) is physically exhausting his already emotionally exhausted parents. THUS, I've given them my opinion that he should be in some kind of hospice where he can get the 24/7 hands-on attention he needs. I dunno how you all feel about that, but I'd certainly like your input if you've had any experience with something like that.
Okay, so for those of you who might not have it, here's my contact info:
Cell - 850-559-8766
Address - 3096 Gant Quarters Way, Marietta GA 30068
If you're at all curious about "when should I come" I would say that any time you can is a good time. I know (and Kirk knows) that people have other things going on and might not be able to just up and leave for Atlanta. But when you can just hit me up and we'll take care of picking up from the airport, beds (or possibly couches) and timing when to see Kirk between resting.
Peace my bruthas and sistahs,
Oh PS! Pura's cell number?!? I thought I had it but I found out today that the "Pura Cell" in my phone is an 850 number. BOO! Help!
Kirk - 10.4.08
I should just start putting the time instead of the date on these updates.
WELL, I took food over to the Lawrences. Hung out with Deborah and Tiffany (Kirk's younger sister by two years). Tiffany is 4 months pregnant! So congratulations to her and her bf Roffelle (pronounced like Raphael). Tiff and I did our best to keep her mom together. She's very fragile these days as you might imagine. I pity the first person at the hospice that gets in her way.
Anyway, Kirk and Tim arrived late. 9ish? Kirk walked in relatively unassisted. Everything is in super slow-mo with him now. Recognized Tiffany and I with a very quiet "hey John...hey Tiff". Hugs and bites on the shoulder for both of us. Though this was the end of dialogue from him all night.
We walked him to his parents room where he'll be sleeping (it's on the first floor) and Tim took him to get him changed. Bowel control is right out at this point so it's diapers for Kirk. (I'm sure he'd be so pleased to know the details I'm not keeping from you, heh.) Then he came out and sat at the table. Fed himself mash potatoes and baked beans with a spoon and drank cranberry juice from a straw. SO so so much better than I was expecting.
It was very relieving to see him. Especially to hug him and be in contact with him which is really how you can tell that he's in there inside his massive, swelled-up head. Otherwise he'll look at you, or whoever's talking. But responses are almost strictly non-verbal and extremely subtle. After his bit of dinner it was off to bed and he was out like a light.
His doctors have all called Mrs. Lawrence and essentially expressed their condolences. They know the only thing they can do with Kirk (and not really FOR him) is research on what medicine is failing at this late, fast-deteriorating stage. Since he'll be off the chemo, I'm hoping he'll get a little less slow/tired and might be a little more responsive. Time will tell. He's still definitely on anti-seizure since a seizure at this point could be fatal. As well as anti-inflammatory to try to assist with his brain swelling. But that's about it I think.
After tonight I'm pretty convinced that everyone that can make it up to see him should start making arrangements. Joe and Bradley (and baby Wash) are already here and Liz will arrive tomorrow morning. Steve is considering early next week. And Kevin mentioned possibly coming up through Tallahassee to pick up anyone who can come. Dan will be through town on Sunday morning. I encourage carpooling, but also an attempt at staggering visits maybe. I don't think there will be a TON of hanging out. Maybe if he's up to watching movies soon that might be cool? We'll see. I suspect our visits this weekend may be fairly brief.
Anyway, I'm pleased having seen Kirk and rubbed his little mini-fro (totally has one in the back). I explained to his mother that people coming to visit is partly for Kirk's benefit, but also for your own benefit as well. It's been a lot of bad news recently and I think you guys should really want to get in a good fro rub of your own. She says her doors are always open to us. I told her watch out cause there's dozens of us.
So again, relevant info:
John's Cell: 850-559-8766
John's Address: 3096 Gant Quarters Way, Marietta GA 30068
Tim and Deborah's Address: 1820 Bailey Lane, Lithia Springs GA 30122
Give me a heads up and we'll make visit plans.
WELL, I took food over to the Lawrences. Hung out with Deborah and Tiffany (Kirk's younger sister by two years). Tiffany is 4 months pregnant! So congratulations to her and her bf Roffelle (pronounced like Raphael). Tiff and I did our best to keep her mom together. She's very fragile these days as you might imagine. I pity the first person at the hospice that gets in her way.
Anyway, Kirk and Tim arrived late. 9ish? Kirk walked in relatively unassisted. Everything is in super slow-mo with him now. Recognized Tiffany and I with a very quiet "hey John...hey Tiff". Hugs and bites on the shoulder for both of us. Though this was the end of dialogue from him all night.
We walked him to his parents room where he'll be sleeping (it's on the first floor) and Tim took him to get him changed. Bowel control is right out at this point so it's diapers for Kirk. (I'm sure he'd be so pleased to know the details I'm not keeping from you, heh.) Then he came out and sat at the table. Fed himself mash potatoes and baked beans with a spoon and drank cranberry juice from a straw. SO so so much better than I was expecting.
It was very relieving to see him. Especially to hug him and be in contact with him which is really how you can tell that he's in there inside his massive, swelled-up head. Otherwise he'll look at you, or whoever's talking. But responses are almost strictly non-verbal and extremely subtle. After his bit of dinner it was off to bed and he was out like a light.
His doctors have all called Mrs. Lawrence and essentially expressed their condolences. They know the only thing they can do with Kirk (and not really FOR him) is research on what medicine is failing at this late, fast-deteriorating stage. Since he'll be off the chemo, I'm hoping he'll get a little less slow/tired and might be a little more responsive. Time will tell. He's still definitely on anti-seizure since a seizure at this point could be fatal. As well as anti-inflammatory to try to assist with his brain swelling. But that's about it I think.
After tonight I'm pretty convinced that everyone that can make it up to see him should start making arrangements. Joe and Bradley (and baby Wash) are already here and Liz will arrive tomorrow morning. Steve is considering early next week. And Kevin mentioned possibly coming up through Tallahassee to pick up anyone who can come. Dan will be through town on Sunday morning. I encourage carpooling, but also an attempt at staggering visits maybe. I don't think there will be a TON of hanging out. Maybe if he's up to watching movies soon that might be cool? We'll see. I suspect our visits this weekend may be fairly brief.
Anyway, I'm pleased having seen Kirk and rubbed his little mini-fro (totally has one in the back). I explained to his mother that people coming to visit is partly for Kirk's benefit, but also for your own benefit as well. It's been a lot of bad news recently and I think you guys should really want to get in a good fro rub of your own. She says her doors are always open to us. I told her watch out cause there's dozens of us.
So again, relevant info:
John's Cell: 850-559-8766
John's Address: 3096 Gant Quarters Way, Marietta GA 30068
Tim and Deborah's Address: 1820 Bailey Lane, Lithia Springs GA 30122
Give me a heads up and we'll make visit plans.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Re: Bad News from Kirk's Mother - 10.3.08
This just in.
I've JUST received a second call from Deborah. She was certainly upset. So upset if she hadn't already left work I was going to go pick her up.
Things are sliding from bad to worse fairly rapidly. Kirk is in the car with Tim on the way up from Jacksonville. They'll be in Atlanta tonight. There is some question as to whether or not Kirk will spend the night at the house or go straight to the hospice.
Anyway, if you have the means under the shortest notice ever, everyone is welcome to come up. Please, please don't hesistate if you think you can make it. I think dinner plans are on for tonight instead. I'm just gonna try to come up with a bunch of something that will keep for a few days in a fridge. Though I don't see them wanting to eat much.
So, bad news then worse news in your inbox today. Also, I know there's still people not on this email list. Emmy/Jerris? Beavis/Illy? Prolly more than a few people in Tallahassee I don't even know that well. So if you can get this out to anyone you don't see listed, please forward it along and let them know I've got no problems with housing straight-up strangers. Thanks, everybody.
I've JUST received a second call from Deborah. She was certainly upset. So upset if she hadn't already left work I was going to go pick her up.
Things are sliding from bad to worse fairly rapidly. Kirk is in the car with Tim on the way up from Jacksonville. They'll be in Atlanta tonight. There is some question as to whether or not Kirk will spend the night at the house or go straight to the hospice.
Anyway, if you have the means under the shortest notice ever, everyone is welcome to come up. Please, please don't hesistate if you think you can make it. I think dinner plans are on for tonight instead. I'm just gonna try to come up with a bunch of something that will keep for a few days in a fridge. Though I don't see them wanting to eat much.
So, bad news then worse news in your inbox today. Also, I know there's still people not on this email list. Emmy/Jerris? Beavis/Illy? Prolly more than a few people in Tallahassee I don't even know that well. So if you can get this out to anyone you don't see listed, please forward it along and let them know I've got no problems with housing straight-up strangers. Thanks, everybody.
Bad News from Kirk's Mother - 10.3.08
Hello Everyone,
I've just received a call from Mrs. Lawrence. Literally the first time I've heard from her in weeks. She didn't really want to call and discuss any of it because things are not good. At all.
Kirk is alive for now. But Tim was recently in an argument with the Mayo clinic and has refused to subject Kirk to any further treatments. He is now at home with his family. I'm told that Kirk isn't much there and having problems with regular brain functions. Even walking or getting dressed are no longer possible. When he needs it, they plan to take him to a Wellstar (hospice of sorts) to be as comfortable as he can be.
So...not good.
I'm going to start making phone calls now...I'd rather hear bad news from a person than an email. Before I do let me once again extend an invitation to everyone to come stay at our house in Marietta. We have beds/couches/air mattresses aplenty and can accomodate anyone that can make it up to see Kirk. I'll be going over there tomorrow night with dinner of some kind for them.
3096 Gant Quarters Way
Marietta GA 30068
I'm available if anyone wants to call as well: 850-559-8766
I've just received a call from Mrs. Lawrence. Literally the first time I've heard from her in weeks. She didn't really want to call and discuss any of it because things are not good. At all.
Kirk is alive for now. But Tim was recently in an argument with the Mayo clinic and has refused to subject Kirk to any further treatments. He is now at home with his family. I'm told that Kirk isn't much there and having problems with regular brain functions. Even walking or getting dressed are no longer possible. When he needs it, they plan to take him to a Wellstar (hospice of sorts) to be as comfortable as he can be.
So...not good.
I'm going to start making phone calls now...I'd rather hear bad news from a person than an email. Before I do let me once again extend an invitation to everyone to come stay at our house in Marietta. We have beds/couches/air mattresses aplenty and can accomodate anyone that can make it up to see Kirk. I'll be going over there tomorrow night with dinner of some kind for them.
3096 Gant Quarters Way
Marietta GA 30068
I'm available if anyone wants to call as well: 850-559-8766
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