Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kirk Update - 10.11.08

Well call me Uncle Jessie, cause today shonuff was a full house. Sans any cars in the kitchen.

We got ramblin this morning with Butter, Devon, Sampson and me. We were shortly met at Kirk's by Lori, Erin and Campbell. We were then all introduced to a variety of Tim's family including his parents. Remarkably, with the way the Lawrence house is designed, everyone is pretty much able to hang out together in the large living/kitchen area. With the exception of everyone watching football upstairs in Tim's 'Man Room'. The 'Man Room' consists primarily of a new hdtv, a handful of chairs and an exercise bike. If he gets a mini fridge up there he's gonna be set.

We brought the enormous lasagna my mother prepared for lunch. It was well received (especially by Kirk as you know by now). As well as were the cinnamon rolls and variety of side dishes from Mrs. Winners brought by Lori, Erin and Campbell.

I've noticed Kirk tends to revert to the gameboy when there's many people in the house. Or rather, the two times we've had many people, he's done that. Bionic Commando again. A lot. I've never disliked the music or anything, but we're well-acquainted again. He's still playing pretty well. Reaching the second/third stages and then hurling himself into a pit (or water..cmon, WATER) and dying instantly. Tragically that's how that game does you.

He backed off with the game once we started watching Clue. An absolute gem. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking it up. It's superbly quotable and, as was the trend this week, Kirk was tossing out quotes right on cue. I've started to question whether or not these quotes are an intentional act or some kind of learned response. I mean, I know if you walked in a room and said "Oh, hello John" there's no way I'm not going to do the ENTIRE Mr. DNA scene from Jurassic Park. I would do it in my sleep. Kirk's much more vocal about quoting movies or laughing about movies than he is in any conversation. Just something you'll notice when you're in the room with him.

Oklahoma lost! Yay!
Vanderbilt lost! Boo!
Kentucky lost! Boo!
Georgia won...but not by enough. But hey, if they win their games, they're golden, right?

Then we put in Spaceballs. I was sorry that Steve and Beavis weren't both here. The two guys I know that could each perform the entire movie as a one-man stage play. Of course every line in a Mel Brooks movie is a joke and Kirk was all over them as well. Singing the theme even. Hitting the triple 'pew, pew, pew' in the theme (if you know what I'm talking about).

So I'd say he's been pretty consistent all week about recalling absolutely everything. I haven't seen him not know something or not recognize something. He took a phone call from Katie Rask and was pretty on top of things. Talking more than I've seen previously on the phone. But it's hard to get conversational timing with him on the phone. You can say something and suspect he didn't hear you because he's taking forever and a day to respond. Just that super slo-mo deal. He's there, but the words don't come out fast. Again, unless he's quoting a movie and it comes out clear as a bell and right on time. What a weirdo.

After Spaceballs and tidying up after ourselves a bit it was time for Sampson to get to the airport. We all decided we should follow her and dipped out. Sampson returned to Boston, Butter returned to Columbus, and Lori and The Jacksonville Welcoming Committee are staying in Macon. So it's just Devon with us tonight, but I've picked up Tim, Kirk's friend from highschool, and it's lookin like a Val Kilmer double feature tomorrow: Willow/Real Genius. Fair warning, Liz. If you leave now you can make it in time to watch both. ; )

Another good day. I'm very pleased about that. My plan is to keep pumping this kid full of food and love (hmm, pumping full of love?) until the cancer says otherwise. We've got a pretty star-studded guest list this week. Not least of all is Paul back from the desert! Everyone keep keep me posted on your plans and I'll keep washing bed sheets. Let's keep this love train cruisin.




Kristina said...

It sounds like Kirk is doing better with small groups of people. We should figure out the sweet spot and aim for it.

Pura said...

Best Kirk quote while I was in town:

[while watching All of Us, the hit sitcom where kids get punished]

Pura: Man, " toys, no movies, no video games..." look at that kid's room, it's full of all that shit! Some punishment!
John: People should just have an empty room in their house to send their kids when they are punishing them.
Kirk: A room full of fried shrimp.

Antiquated Vagaries said...

Thanks for everything, guys. I was so glad I was able to call yesterday. It was great to hear Kirk's voice. Awesome, in fact.

Love from Greece,