Thursday, October 16, 2008

Kirk Update - 10.16.08

Greeting and welcome to the Kirk Update: Inconceivable! Edition.

Today Jenny and I brought over Jersey Mikes. Again. But it was such a hit last time, I figured we should. Though maybe I'll back off the food a little. OR bring it earlier. I got in trouble for giving Kirk second lunch yesterday. Backyard Burger at that. Seems it upset his stomach. Sorry! I love with food and the kid won't stop eating!
Lynn Talley's 9th grade english classes sent Kirk dozens and dozens of cards today. I knew they were coming and was pretty psyched to get to read them. I went through each one with Kirk at the kitchen table. They are pretty awesome. Lot's of zombies, robots, aliens drawn by 14 year olds. We laughed with the kids mostly. Though at times the stuff they came up with was borderline insane. Good times, though. THANKS SO MUCH LYNN!

Then we finished the episode of Sabrina The Teenage Witch that was on when we arrived. Can I just say...Soleil Moon Frye? Wow.

Let's see, then we watched The Princess Bride. "Anybody want a peanut?" Kirk is still keeping up with quotes. Quite a bit now. More so than he was a week ago certainly. Like he'll set it up and do the punchline and tack on a sound effect for a facial expression. Whereas he might have done all three things individually last week, he'll do them all at once now. Tiny, tiny benchmarks, I know. But it's just something I notice.

Then we lost him the bathroom again for an hour. Like literally a full on hour. Tim had to keep knocking every 20 min or so to see if he was okay. Kirk is definitely handling the embarrassment of crazy bowel function very well. Better than I hope I ever have to.

Deborah got home. I got in trouble for...I dunno...probably something. We spoke a little about whether her job is going well. If you guessed "Hell to the NO", give yourself 5 points. Once she starts making dinner it's about time to leave. Kirk is pretty wiped out by that point anyway.

We got Devon back tonight! I spoke with Beavis. He and Illy will arrive VERY late tomorrow night. Paul But he's at a wedding so we might not see him until Sunday. Butter, Brett, Courtney, Nick. All coming. Gonna be awesome.

Till tomorrow, kids.


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