Friday, October 10, 2008

Kirk Update - 10.9.08

Again, sorry I'm late on this. Most of you have told me how much you hang on every word of these updates since it's your only contact with Kirk.

Let's see, we had quite a few yesterday. Butter and Amanda came over to the house and joined Pura and Steve. We all rolled over there and met with Kimberly who had already arrived. Then Devon showed up in the afternoon.

We cooked three frozen pizzas. Kirk, once again, didn't reject any food whatsoever. He's a machine. He'll also sit there and suck every last drop of drink out of his cup. Then eat the straw. Yeah, you really gotta watch what he puts in his mouth. Be it the tail of a toy dinosaur or a water bottle cap. He'll eat it.

We watched a Bill & Ted double feature. I still say those movies are awesome. Some would disagree.

Then we watched most of Flash Gordon. I say most because we really didn't intend to watch any of it. Kirk put it on pretty late in the afternoon. He watched some special features. Then he watched the ending...then he backed up and watch a little before the ending AND the ending. Then backed it up some more. Very strange boy. But I don't think that's the cancer. I've seen him watch movies out of sequence before.

Then we snacked on chips we had brought and AAAALL the cookies sent to the Lawrence house from well-wishers. I'm gonna gain 10 pounds lookin after this kid. OH, and Kirk's mom freaked out about the chocolate pound cake Butter made. Well, I'm told her grandmother made it. Still, I don't expect to see much of that left when we arrive today. Haha.

Kirk's still in good shape. I don't mean to make anyone's expectations unrealistic. There is certainly a terrible cancer killing brains cells every day, but somehow Kirk is beating it. Or atleast dodging it. Still walking, still talking, still eating. Doing everything his doctors say he shouldn't be able to do. One day he won't be able to keep it up, I'm sure. And he'll be a different Kirk. Which will be very sad. But until then, we need to go in there day-to-day and hope for the best and expect the worst. On a brighter note, everyone that's visited him has said "You know, I was expecting him to be in a lot worse shape." Which is totally true. He's hangin in there (insert Natalie's cat poster).

So come one, come all. I've got an air mattress for ya.


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