Monday, October 13, 2008

Kirk Update - 10.12.08

Hello! Today, let's see...

Today it was Kristina, Devon, Tim, Dominic (friend from high school) and me at the house. Pretty low and lazy compared to the past couple of days. Which is probably a good thing.

We brought pizzas for lunch and kicked off a Val Kilmer Double Feature with Real Genius. Since TWO OF YOU have brought it up let me say this now: Yes, certainly The Saint is a fine movie (give or take how you feel personally about Elizabeth Shue) and we would have probably included it over Willow. I also like to put Ghost and The Darkness and Island of Dr. Moreau together.

I was downstairs for most of Real Genius while keeping an eye on the Falcons upstairs with Tim. Did you see the end of that game? MATT. RYAN.
Then it was time for Willow. Things were good. Kirk grabbed a stack of new dvds Tim brought up and picked at the wrapper until he could get it open. Once he did, he took the little black security tag off from inside and started chewing on it. The boy's gonna choke to death before anything else happens. Sadly I can hardly blame him since I've done the same myself. I have absolutely no idea why.

I also tried to get Kirk up and on his feet between movies. On account of I thought we were supposed to do that. Kirk was reluctant and instead let me sit him up on the edge of the couch so he could better reach the tray of chips/salsa his mother put out for us (which he promptly destroyed). Come to find out Tim thinks Kirk's foot was swollen because he had been walking around on it and Deborah thinks he needs to get put on it to make the swelling go down. They can figure out that hot mess from now on.

Believe it or not, that was about 5+ hours of visiting. Kirk's still doing good, same as he has been recently. But again, no news is good news concerning his condition at this point. I'll take 'slow but pretty with it' over what his doctors are anticipating.

I got in contact with Courtney. A friend of Kirk's from highschool. She's coming on Friday. We're gonna have Paul coming in sometime this coming weekend. Jenny is coming Wednesday now instead of tomorrow on account of work. Njicki will be through town tomorrow and then back through again this weekend. Nick is coming this weekend. Gonna be some more awesome company. Make your reservations at El Casa de Jarvis soon. = )

This is the first night in over a week that I haven't had someone sleeping at the house. Thanks to everyone who's come to visit. It's been fun being back in contact with you after so many years. Some day we'll have to have some kind of ...I dunno... FSU Class of Awesome Fun Kids Reunion Super Party Weekend. When there's no bad news, everything's awesome and I've got too much beer in my fridge. Love you kids.


1 comment:

raccoonelephant said...

Love and Prayers from Pittsburgh, Brandy